LOVE EVERYONE , SERVE EVERYONE, HELP ALWAYS, HURT NONE EVER, All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them !!!!Don't raise your voice, improve your argument Blogger Tips and Tricks
Dear Comrades, Thank you for being at Gujarat – The Land of the Legends, The Land of Mahatma Gandhi. Ahmedabad from all over India, and for bearing with us, and making CEC , held at Ahmedabad a Grand success" Blogger Tips and Tricks

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

FAQ on Recruitment Rules


Friends ,  Association is preparing a letter to invite the attention of administration about glaring mistakes in draft seniority list. Please provide the details of individual descrepency so as to bring the same in the knowledge of CCO Vadodara at the earliest.


Friday, January 19, 2018

Pay Aaomalies after implementation of 7th CPC

Tentative list for eligible inspectors for Promotion to the grade of Superintendent Gr”B” in the combined cadre of Gujarat State

XXth Convention of AICEIA held in at Mumbai on 12/01/2018

Dear Comrades,
I the undersigned represented the Ahmedabad unit in the XXth Convention of AICEIA held in at Mumbai on 12/01/2018. Shri Kirit Somaiya, MP, from Mumbai, was chief guest on the open session. Thereafter on closed session of the convention stared wherein the secretary General of AICEIA presented the minutes of the meeting and the action taken report on the resolution passed in the CEC Dehradun. On the most issue AICEIA, initiated the step to fulfill the resolution points. However none of them were materialized. Copy of minutes may be read on AICEIA’s blog.
Ahmedabad and others unit was denied from the voting right as  DDO certificate could not be produced despite of the bank account statement which shows the deduction of annual subscription fee from Ahmedabad being shown. Accordingly, I, with the permission of then SG and President I left the meeting as there was no meaning to remain present there. Furthermore, as per minutes of AGM held at Ahmedabad at last December 2016 and on request from officers posted to Kandla and Mundra I sought for NOC regarding representation of Kandla and Mundra by AICEIA Ahmedabad.  In this regard, we have submitted consent from officers of Kandla and Mundra, NoC from Daman-Vapi Association and Surat Association as sought by SG AICEIA. But AICEIA failed to proper reply why they are not able to provide NOC to AICEIA, Ahmedabad branch. Matter will be discussed in detailsin coming AGM.
As per the DDO certificate total 44 vote’s right were declared to cast votes. Entire Gujarat except Rajkot and many of the other branches either did not participate or did not vote.
Election was held new body was formed which is as under:
(i)              Shri R.P. Singh  President , Rajkot
(ii)             Shri Gopinath , working president Kerala,
(iii)            Shri Anubhuti Chatterjee Secretary General Bolpur (W.B)
(iv)           Shri S. K Gangte ASG, Shillong
(v)            Shri P. P. Gupta J. Secretary  south zone,
(vi)           Vishal Malge  VP west zone
Points submitted by AICEIA Ahmedabad viz  Medical Reimbursement, Petrol/ Phone expense, ICT, LDC, against AIS, implementation of N. R Parmer, Judgment , Residence/ transit hostel facility, Protocol /Control Room duty, Regular DPC  were  reiterated .
I on behalf of AICIEA, Ahmedabad and my own behalf wish Good Luck and best wishes to newly elected/selected all India Body and hope that they will work in positive atmosphere to sort out our pending welfare issues.  
With regards,


 (Manoj K Singh)

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