01/01/2015, Dated: January 23, 2015
Subject: Procedure for dealing with complaints - regarding.
The Commission under its powers conferred under Section 8(1)(d) of CVC Act, 2003, causes inquiry/investigation into allegations of corruption and seeks reports from the CVOs of Ministries/Departments/Organisations. All CVOs are informed that henceforth, the Commission would be seeking confirmation from the complainant for owning / disowning the complaint, as the case may be. Therefore, any further confirmation would not be required to be sought by the CVOs from the complainant in respect of the clarifications /any additional information, if required, could be obtained from the complainant (s) as part of inquiry in the matter undertaken by the CVOs.
2. As regards complaints received directly by the CVOs of Ministries / Departments / Organisations, if a complaint contains specific and verifiable allegations of corruption / vigilance angle and it is proposed to take cognizance of such complaints, the complaint will be first sent to be complainant for owning/disowning, as the case may be. If no response is received from the complainant within 15 days of sending the complaint, a reminder will be sent. 15 days after sending the reminder, if still nothing is heard, the said complaint may be filed as pseudonymous by the CVO of the Ministry/Department/Organisation concerned. CVOs are advised that in no case, any inquiry/investigation be initiated on complaints without receipt of confirmation from complainant on any complaint.
3. In so far as complaints sent by the Commission for 'necessary action' to CVOs of Ministries/Departments/Organisations, no such confirmation would be made from the complainant by the Commission. In case the CVO on scrutiny of such complaints propose to inquire into the allegations, confirmation as stated in para 2 above should be made by the CVO.
No. 98/DSP/09
(J Vinod Kumar) Officer on Special Duty
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